The Kelty Grand Mesa 2 is a lightweight camping tent with a double sleeping berth. Provides comfortable conditions for many days of recreation in nature. It is designed for the warm season, but it can safely withstand bad weather in the form of rain or gusts of wind. Thanks to this feature and the weight of 2.15 kg, it will be a good option for climbing or hiking.
Structurally, it is an aluminum skeleton, to which a mesh lower tent is first attached with the help of convenient clip fittings, and an awning made of dense polyester with a water resistance of 1800 mm is put on top. This is a 100% waterproof material, resistant to the destructive effects of ultraviolet light, sudden temperature jumps and high humidity. A special coating will delay the spread of fire in the event of a fire.
The bottom is also made of polyester with a moisture protection index of 1800 mm, thanks to which you are guaranteed a sleeping place with a dry floor.
Color marking on the arcs and fastening elements will help to quickly set up the tent.
Accommodation will be made comfortable by a wide D-shaped entrance, ventilation under the dome, Stargazing Fly option, and a view of the sky.
Different diameters of arc sections and a rectangular bag allow compact assembly of the product.
You can buy the Grand Mesa 2 tent in the Unisport store.
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